Peruvian lemon pie recipe

Peruvian lemon pie

The traditional lemon pie has many versions around the world. This dessert is characterized by a very sweet but not cloying flavour. This contrast of flavours is achieved thanks to the citrus touch of the lemon and the great sweetness of the condensed milk. A sparkling combination for your taste buds!

RecetasGratis brings you a magnificent version of this famous sweet: Peruvian lemon pie. This recipe is different thanks to the use of Peruvian lemon, incredibly aromatic and also very beneficial for health. And if you think this recipe is complicated ..., you will be in for a surprise! Discover how to make Peruvian lemon pie with cookies and enjoy this delight.

Ingredients to make Peruvian Lemon Pie:


 2 cups of vanilla cookies (Maria)

 ½ cup butter (unsalted)


 1 can of condensed milk (400g)

 ½ cup of lemon juice

 4 egg (yolks)


 4 egg (whites)

 175 grams of white sugar

How to make Peruvian Lemon Pie:

Crush the Maria cookies in the way that seems most effective to you: with a food processor, blender, rolling pin, etc. Reservation.

Tip: Preheat the oven to 180C

Prepare the base of the Peruvian lemon pie first. On one side, melt the butter; on the other, add the cookie crumbs in the mould (preferably removable). Pour the batter over the crumbs and knead into a smooth, manageable dough. Spread the dough over the entire surface of the pan evenly. Then, bake at 180 ºC for 15 minutes and, after time, let it cool down to room temperature and reserve.

Then, make the filling of the Peruvian lemon pie. To do this, add the condensed milk, egg yolks and lemon juice to a bowl. Stir the ingredients with a wooden spoon very well until they are completely integrated.

Tip: Preferably, lightly beat the egg yolks before adding them to the preparation.

Pour the lemon filling over the cookie base. Put the Peruvian pie with cookies in the oven at 180ºC for 15 minutes. Remove and wait until it cools.

Finally, prepare the topping for the Peruvian lemon pie. To make the meringue, beat the whites until reaching the point of snow. For this, you must beat in a circular way, from top to bottom to incorporate as much air as possible, then add a pinch of salt. When the whites get quite high, add the sugar little by little and beat until they are firm.

With the help of a spoon and a pastry sleeve, decorate the Peruvian lemon pie with cookies. With the spoon (wooden or a silicone spatula) cover the surface of the cake. Then, using the piping bag (or even the same spoon or fork) create peaks with the meringue, or shape it to your liking. Return to the oven until the topping is lightly browned.

Tip: You can improvise a piping bag out of a plastic bag.

I decorated this wonderful Peruvian pie using sugar flavoured with lemon zest and some mint leaves. Absolutely fragrant!

I invite you to let the citrus notes of this magnificent dessert enter your kitchen, enhanced by fragrant Peruvian lemons. It would be wonderful to know your culinary experience when preparing this Peruvian lemon pie, will you tell us how it turned out? If you like it, do not hesitate to review the recipe for Peruvian alfajores and let Peru invade your home.

If you liked the recipe for Peruvian Lemon Pie, we suggest you enter our category of Cake Recipes. You can also visit a selection of the best Peruvian recipes. You may be interested to read about the cabbage pesto recipe/ beef salad bowl recipe/ Italian apple cake recipe/ rice puddings recipe/ mandarin marmalade recipe.


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